The Decryption process uses a passphrase to transform the encrypted data into a usable form. Mapsafe uses the encryption-decryption facility provided by the Web.Cryto toolkit whiich is in-built within the browser. This is similar but opposite to the encryption process. The masked dataset is decrypted in the browser memory at three levels. These passphrases are required to decrypt to each of the three levels.
- The full 15 term passphrase is used to decrypt to the original dataset,
- 10 terms of the full passphrase to decrypt the masked dataset, and
- 5 terms of the full passphrase to decrypt the `more' masked dataset.
A detailed description of the encryption and decryption proceses are provided in this

The data recipient can then proceed to decrypt the encrypted volume, choosing the passphrase and the level they want to access, which has to correspond with the passphrase length. Finally, the decrypted dataset is automatically displayed to the recipient.